Samtskhe-Javakheti is located in the southern part of Georgia. Its volcanic mountains, open plains, freshwater lakes, ravines, canyons, and fast-moving rivers, as well as archeological, religious and cultural sites, are impressive. The region is fully alpine. The altitude ranges from 1000 to 3305 meters. In its valleys average yearly humidity is 500-800 mm. The sun shines more than 170 days of the year here. Samtskhe-Javakheti is famous for its alpine honey from the variety and abundance of alpine flowers growing there, such as Wild Thyme Thymus caucasicus; Sainfoin Onobrychis biebersteinii; Thistles Cirsium aggregatum. Rowan Sorbus boissieri. Main nutrients of honey here are full of alpine wildflowers with high content of glucose therefore it is easily crystallized. The region is rich in nature reserves, such as Ktsia-Tabatskuri, Tetrobi, and Nedzvi. Both, the Javakheti and Borjomi national parks help to create a rich ecosystem in the region, which contains: Musk Thistle Carduus nutans; Cornelian Cherry Cornus mas; Hyssop Hyssopus angustifolius; Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria; Creeping Savory Satureja laxiflora; White Mustard Sinapis alba; Scalloped Spirea Spiraea crenata; European Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus. Caucasian Alfalfa Medicago caucasica; Yellow Alfalfa Medicago falcata; Woodland Sage Salvia nemorosa; Wild Mustard Sinapis arvensis.