Kvemo Kartli is situated in the southeastern part of Georgia. The landscape of Lower Kartli consists largely of steppes and forested steppes. The lowlands in the region are characteristic of semi-deserts. The Algeti National Park in the Trialeti region is especially interesting, offering a large diversity of flora. It is often referred to as a Floral Junction, since it supports such a wide array of flora, including plants native to Colchis, Persia, Iberia, Iran, the Middle East, and the Caucasus area including: Field Maple Acer campestre; False Acacia Robinia pseudoacacia; Seaberry Hippophae rhamnoides; Black Poplar Populus nigra; Wild Grape Vitis sylvestris. More than 300 days are sunny here. The average air temperature is 12 Celsius, with 400-600 mm of precipitation annually. Kvemo Kartli’s ecosystem is rich with the Trialeti national park, the Gardabani nature reserve and Tbilisi National Park which offer a variety of ecosystems which feature species such as: Scalloped Spirea Spiraea crenata; Honey Clover Melilotus albus; Cornelian Cherry Cornus mas; Alfalfa Medicago caucasica; Hyssop Hyssopus angustifolius; Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria.