Kakheti is one of the most beautiful and diverse parts of Georgia and is situated in the extreme east of Georgia. Its stunning landscapes include the snow-covered mountains of the North Caucasus Mountain range, with peaks reaching up to 4500 meters standing side by side with fertile lowland – valleys and fields. To the North one of the rightly famous roads of the world winds precipitously up the range to the ecological jewel which is Tusheti, buried within the mountains. Further east there are even the semi-desert areas of Dedoplistskaro and the Sagarejo Districts. Kakheti is rich with honey plants such as: Musk Thistle Carduus nutans; Ground-ivy Glechoma hederacea; Alfalfa Medicago caucasica; Honey Clover Melilotus albus; Woodland Sage Salvia nemorosa; Weaver’s Broom Spartium junceum. The climate in the Alazani Valley is characterized by moderately humid subtropical features. Average winter temperature is around 0+1 C; in summer the temperature reaches up to +23-25. Annual precipitation ranges from 600 to 1000 mm in the valley. Kakheti is rich in parks and protected areas, with Vashlovani, Lagodekhi, Babaneuri, Batsara and the Tusheti National Parks, Kurugi and Ilto reserves. The Tusheti protected landscapes giving great diversity of flora such as: Lime Tree Tilia begonifolia; Jerusalem Thorn Paliurus Spina-Christi; Sainfoin Onobrychis biebersteinii; Field Clover Trifolium Campestre.