Mtskheta-Mtianeti is one of the most picturesque and diverse lands located in eastern Georgia. It is home to 3500 and 5000-meter-high snowy peaks of the Greater Caucasus and mountain passes, beautiful gorges, secluded lakes, and alpine valleys. The Caucasus Mountains in Khevi and Khevsureti are particularly scenic. The steep slopes descending into the Aragvi valley are examples of some of the most beautiful views encountered anywhere in the world. The region’s ecosystem is enriched by the Tbilisi and Kazbegi national parks, the Gudauri recreational territory which is a popular area for transhumance among beekeepers, because of warm spring climate and abundance of early flowering varieties. This natural diversity offers a wide variety of honey plants such as: Largest Masterwort Astrantia maxima; Plumeless Thistles Carduus acanthocephalus; Cornelian Cherry Cornus mas; Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria; Yellow Alfalfa Medicago falcata; Creeping Savory Satureja laxiflora; Wild Mustard Sinapis arvensis; Spirea Spiraea hypericifolia. The climate of the region is moderately humid with an average 11 Celsius. The most widespread honey plants are: Lime Tree Tilia begoniifolia; Jerusalem Thorn Paliurus Spina-Christi; Sainfoin Onobrychis biebersteinii; Field Clover Trifolium Campestre.