Matchakhela Ltd is honey processing factory with a capacity of 5 tons/day. The factory has its own laboratory to test honey on quality. It collects honey from selected beekeepers, processes, packages and labels it in 0.35 kg. and 0.75 kg plastic jars and 0.35 kg. glass jar. Four types of honey: Blossom, Acacia, Linden and Chestnut honey are sold under the brand name Datunua.
Imperveti Ltd is a national beekeeping inputs supplier represented with three branches in different regions of Georgia. Also, the company has its own laboratory and provides consultations to test/diagnose bees on different diseases. It provides capacity building and experience sharing meetings with invited experts in different regions of the country. The company operates under the brand name Futkara.
Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking (KTW) Agro-Keda Ltd is one of the companies operating under the umbrella of KTW group. The company owns an enterprise in Keda municipality. Different types of honey is aggregated from beekeepers of different regions of Georgia. Besides Blossom, Acacia, Chestnut and Alpine honey, Agro-Keda Ltd offers a specialty product – wild honey Jara. The products are sold at the company’s brand shops and large supermarket chains. The company operates under the brand name Nena.